- Log in to Taxspeaker.com
- Click Profile
- Scroll down to "Your Content"
- Click "Events"
- Under events you will see name, date, link, transfer. Click on "Transfer Event." You will then put the person's memorable ID in that you would like to transfer this course to. They must already have an account set up on Taxspeaker.com for the transfer to work properly
- Log in to Taxspeaker.com
- Click Profile
- Scroll down to "Your Content"
- Click "Products"
- You will see name, category, link, and transfer product
- Click on "View Product"
- In the next screen you will see a message that says you have already purchased this product. Any files included in your purchase will be displayed below that
- You will need to click the file name to view your book
- Log in to Taxspeaker.com
- Click "Redeem Code" button at the top of the home page
- Enter the code you were given at the seminar in the box under the "Redeem a code now" heading
- This will take you straight to the event page, showing the associated downloads
- Log in to Taxspeaker.com
- Click Profile
- Scroll down to “Your Content”.
- Click “Events”.
- You will see name, date, webinar, and View Event.
- Click on “View Event”.
- It will say “You have already purchased this event.” Any materials associated with this course will be listed directly below that.
- Click each one to view book/slides.
- Log into your TaxSpeaker.com account.
- At the top right-hand corner, mouse over the member icon.
- Click Profile
- Scroll down to “Your Content”.
- Click on the “EVENTS” tab.
- Once you find the event you are registered for, click on “View Event”.
- You will then see a box that says, "You have already purchased this event." Right under, you will click on "WATCH LIVESTREAM".
- TaxSpeaker will then redirect you to the Zoom site. Once you are there, you will see the name of your class, date, and time. You are REQUIRED to enter your first/last name and e-mail address. Please remember to use the name that matches your TaxSpeaker profile, not nicknames or abbreviations.
- Click Register.
- Under Add to Calendar, you will click the URL to join.
- Per NASBA & IRS, you must answer 75% of the polls that come up on your screen. To ensure you see each poll, be sure that the speaker is always on your screen and that there are no other windows blocking the view.
- If you are using a tablet to view the webinar and you notice some of your screen is cut off, you can double tap the screen to adjust the aspect ratio.
- You must download the Zoom App in order to watch this webinar. If watching through your browser, the polling questions which are required by NASBA in order to get your CPE, will not show up resulting in no CPE being issued.
- If you experience any issues, or need help downloading the Zoom app, please call us at 877-466-1040, at the time you are having the issue, to ensure you get full CPE credit.
Hi, throughout the year our office and Bob's email will receive hundreds of questions (400-700/month) from you, our customers, pertaining to various tax scenarios inquiring for help. Typically, Bob can only answer a very small percentage, if any, of them since he is traveling and speaking so often.
To make up for the extra time he spends working, and for occasional use of our other speakers' expertise, last year we started a program called Talking with TaxSpeaker; it is a Q&A service. This service is not free like our newsletter. Though, for only $20 a month, you'll receive bi-weekly videos of 15-20 minutes of Bob, or one of our speakers, answering the questions you send in. There is no long-term commitment, but we do offer a discount of $40 for those who sign up for a year in advance ($200 for 12 months). Feel free to email your questions to info@taxspeaker.com using the subject line to identify which topic your question pertains to (i.e., Social Security as a subject line, for ease of sorting by our office). The topics and questions discussed in the subscription series will be based on topic and volume of questions. Interested? If so, you can sign up at https://taxspeaker.com/store/talking-with-taxspeaker.
Refund Policies
TaxSpeaker offers a 100% 30-day money-back guarantee upon returning the self-study materials, to any paid participant in any self-study program if you are not happy with your purchase.
Transfer and Refund Policy Registration fees will be refunded in full for up to 7 days in advance of the webinar. Registrations cancelled between 1-7 days prior to the webinar date can be switched to the same webinar, on a different date, or an On Demand of the same course. For more information regarding administrative policies, complaints and refunds please contact us at 877-466-1040 or visit www.taxspeaker.com NO REFUNDS/TRANSFERS WILL BE ISSUED AFTER THE WEBINAR BEGINS. NO EXCEPTIONS.
For Individual Seminar Purchase (not in any Seminar Package)-Registration fees will be refunded in full for up to 30 days in advance of the seminar. Registrations cancelled between 1-30 days prior to the seminar date are subject to a $50 cancellation fee. For more information regarding administrative policies, complaints and refunds please contact us at 877-466-1040 or visit www.taxspeaker.com. NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED AFTER THE SEMINAR BEGINS. NO EXCEPTIONS. Please call us at 877-466-1040 for auxiliary aid needs.