1040 Tax in Depth
seminarRegistration Information:
Sponsor: Oregon Association of Independent Accountants
Phone: 503-282-7247
Website: http://www.oaia.net
Product Description
Our 1,100 page course manual supports the Form 1040 with TaxSpeaker’s® 1040 Tax in Depth course! Our 2025 course will include detailed coverage, with planning ideas, of the latest changes from the new 2025 Tax Acts, court cases, IRS changes and all late-season Congressional changes up to the day before the class with special focus coverage of pension changes, high risk areas and our annual review of common preparation issues and new court cases and IRS guidance. Because all speakers are also practicing professionals you receive practical insight and planning issues throughout the two days.
As our flagship course, we take particular pride in its consistent quality and provision of the most thorough and hands-on individual tax preparation guidance. The included manual is bursting with over 1,300 hyperlinked citations to the accompanying free online tax research library. On top of that, it is America’s only Form 1040 manual to be regularly and independently recognized as the Top Research Live Course CPE Manual in the United States for six straight years. Its 1,100+ practitioner-written pages are saturated with logically organized guidance to complement the IRS’s methods for assembling returns. This manual is provided in both in print and digital formats to in-person course attendees (webinars receive only E-Book), who also enjoy the value of energetic and knowledgeable teaching from our expert instructors.
Participants also receive practical guidance, dozens of checklists, worksheets, and client letters, plus “What’s New” information. If you are choosing an in-person seminar, your fee also includes a hyperlinked PDF of the manual, four-page laminated desktop reference “Fingertip Facts,” and a free 2-hour self-study ethics course.
Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to properly prepare, report amounts on, file, and deduct disaster losses from Form 1040. We will also teach you how to determine which credits clients may qualify for on their 1040 returns to reduce taxable income, including methods to save for their dependent children’s college education and other education credits and deductions. In addition, this course covers appropriate handling of IRS client audits, compliance with Circular 230 ethics regulations, and advice for clients under military special taxation rules.
Attendee Requirements
Call society/sponsor for location and hotel information as needed.
Location Details
Eugene, OR
2-4 years tax preparation experience.Field of Study
16NASBA Categories
Taxes, UpdateCourse Level
IntermediateCourse Objectives
Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to properly prepare, report amounts on, file, and deduct disaster losses from Form 1040. We will also teach you how to determine which credits clients may qualify for on their 1040 returns to reduce taxable income, including methods to save for their dependent children’s college education and other education credits and deductions. In addition, this course covers appropriate handling of IRS client audits, compliance with Circular 230 ethics regulations, and advice for clients under military special taxation rules.
Speaker Details
All policies and registration and fees are established by society/sponsor.