Like Kind Exchanges

Exam Only
IRS Number: 5KBKR-T-00874-24-S

Available: 06/03/2024

Product Description

This course reviews the advantages and disadvantages of like kind exchanges. It reviews all 4 types of exchanges; the deferred exchange, the simultaneous exchange, the build-to-suit exchange and the reverse exchange, as well as the new combination reverse and forward exchange. It also covers personal property exchanges, traps and pitfalls in exchanges, and works through a number of examples illustrating compliance.


2-4 years tax preparation experience.

Field of Study


NASBA Categories


Course Level


Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course you will be able to describe the various types of exchanges that may be made and explain general concepts of like kind exchanges to clients. You will be able to determine whether a second residence is for personal or business use, or both, and whether or not it qualifies for a like kind exchange. In addition to understanding when particular issues affect an exchange transaction and the proper treatment, participants will learn the five requirements for a transaction to qualify as a like kind exchange and be equipped to prepare tax returns involving them. You will become familiar with delayed, deferred, and reverse exchanges, the concept of related parties, as well as the requirements of personal property and cost seg studies. This course will provide an overview and explanation of Tenants in Common, and Delaware Trusts and illustrate numerous completed Forms 8824.

Available Options


A scheduled, online course viewable on any computer or device with Zoom access; suitable for single person use. Webinars include: online course, eBook download, & PDF of PowerPoint slides. CPE credit will be issued based on log in time and percentage of polling questions answered.

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A live event to be attended in person. Seminars include: printed book, eBook download, PDF of PowerPoint slides, light breakfast, lunch, & CPE credit.

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Self Study Options

On Demand

An online, previously recorded course viewed at your convenience. The course is added to your TaxSpeaker account for instant access and includes: eBook, PDF of PowerPoint slides, downloadable course video, & (1) exam required for CPE credits.

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A digital, downloadable PDF course manual & DVD package which includes: digital manual, DVD of course presentation, PDF of PowerPoint slides & (1) exam required for CPE credit. The DVD will be shipped to you and the manual/slides will be added to your TaxSpeaker account to download at your convenience.

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A physical, printed copy of our course manual and a course DVD. Included is: manual, DVD, PDF of PowerPoint slides, & (1) Exam required for CPE credit. The manual and DVD will be shipped to you; the slides will be added to your TaxSpeaker account to download at your convenience.

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